How to Deal With A Cold During Spring Break
Spring break. Two happy little words that mean sun, sand, ocean breezes, freedom — or just an entire week to hang out and relax.
But what if you feel yourself coming down with a sore throat or a case of the sniffles right before your week of fun in the sun? Is all hope lost? No! Especially if you keep your stress levels lower and start proactively fighting back.
How to Deal With a Cold on Spring Break
Don’t Worry, Be Happy.
This age-old saying actually has some merit when it comes to dealing with illness. Stress can weaken our immune system and make it harder for our bodies to fight off or avoid colds. If you feel a tickle in your throat right before you’re set to enjoy a spring break getaway, do your best to stay calm and in good spirits. Research some relaxing activities available at your destination to give yourself something to look forward to, even if you won’t be your most energetic self.
Take Medicine With You.
While you may not be able to kick your cold before you set off on your vacation (or staycation), having medicine close by to treat the symptoms will help you feel better during your trip. Theraflu’s Hot Liquid Powders are convenient to travel with (the packets take up almost no space in your bag!) and deliver powerful relief from seven of the most annoying cold and flu symptoms, including nasal congestion, cough, body aches, sore throat, and fever.
Go Easy on Activities.
If you’re spring breaking with friends, let them know you’re not feeling your best, and try to opt out of any rigorous activities for at least a day or two. Even though it’s hard to do, rest is often one of the best ways to feel better faster and to reduce the possibility that you’ll infect others. Make a beeline for any beachside hammocks, and spend an easy day swinging in the breeze — even though it’s not the same as ziplining or surfing, it’s still not a bad way to spend a few hours!
Trade Those Frozen Drinks For Hot Liquids.
If your spring break includes a beach, it might feel odd to drink hot things, but hot liquids have been shown to help soothe your throat and loosen congestion. Skip the piña colada and opt for some hot water with lemon — at least to start the day!
While it may feel unfair to have to deal with a cold when everyone else around you is splashing by the pool, staying positive and not sweating a relatively small issue is not just a beneficial way to go through life, but research says it may actually help boost your immune system in the long run!